Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Kevin, this one's for you!!!

Kevin This ones for you
Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

Sometime in the past year Lyndsey and I gave, I think, one of the most amazing birthday gifts ever, and received one of the most amazing responses I've ever seen to gift giving.

One weekend evening, we got together with our Mustardite friends having just come back from Tyson's Corners Mall and we celebrated Kevin's birthday. All seemed relatively normal there was poker being played, there was cake being eaten, and eventually it came time for Kevin to open his gifts.

Lyndsey and I had decided to bestow on him a pair of bright read moonboots. He was bowled over. We were very pleased with how much he liked his gift. I think he was speechless for a remarkable amount of time.

This weekend, while in Boston, we came across a pair of super mini bright red moon boots, and Lyndsey posed for this picture on one condition, that I make sure Kevin saw it. Well... "The best way..." visitor, you join Kevin in witnessing the beauty of the moonboot. I hope you enjoy it. Happy Tuesday... or should we call it Moonday... like the one with two o's comes after the day with one.

Boston Trike Kid

Trike Kid 1 Trike Kid 2 Trike Kid 3
On Sunday we were getting off the T at Harvard Square and we saw the kid pictured above. He and his dad got off the train and the kid immediately hopped on his tricycle and peddled down the platform. As they encountered stairs or obstacles, dad would take the trike, and the kid would go on foot until they got back to level ground.
All of this happened with no words exchanged, and it was awesome. I managed to get three reasonably good photos of the whole thing. They're above. Enjoy!!!