Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hope for the Holidays

Archway cookies are tasty, almost as tasty as... say... having a job. Huh? Yeah, well weird sentence, but I just thought I would toss up a link to a story I saw on CNN about an Archway cookie factory in Ohio that shut down because the venture capital folks who funded Archway had pulled the rug out from under them. In swooped a larger snack foods company that purchased Archway at a bankruptcy auction and voila! 60 people are hired back on to start the factory back up. Now, I may be biased because I've always liked their cookies, but this is a nice little heartwarming story for the holidays. Sure, the economy still sucks and things are looking a little bleak for the beginning of 2009, but all is not lost and there are still little glimmers of hope out there to be found.

Hooray for COOKIES!!!!

That's Right, AP!

The AP has chosen Tina Fey as their Entertainer of the Year, and I couldn't agree more. Among other laudatory things they had to say about this decision, the AP describes Fey as, "She is the epitome of the smart kid coming out on top for once."

Nice one guys. Anyway, this is a choice by the AP that I think really fits. Fey has been around for quite some time doing some remarkably excellent comedy even in difficult circumstances (read: the SNL cast over the past few years) but this year she really blew up. The existing success and hilarity of 30 Rock certainly laid a good groundwork, but then along came a... well... yeah, you betcha, set of circumstances that might as well have been out of a story book. (remember that fake movie trailer? Ok... Tina Fey didn't make that but still...)

Anyway, good choice AP. I agree.

Happy Festivus

It's a Festivus for the rest-of-us!!! Bring on the feats of strength!

Ahh... it's another Festivus miracle!