Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Back Up North

Oh, DC... what fun we had. This weekend Lyndsey and I visited DC and it was great fun. I was amazed by the number of people we got a chance to see in a scant 2.5 days. To everybody down there, thanks for putting us, putting up with us, and generally showing up and having fun. I am really very pleased that we made it back down so quickly and I really hope we can do the same again soon.

In the meantime I'll be uploading pictures from the trip soon and I'll probably photoshop some to make them all happy, clean, and whatnot then I'll upload to flickr. Once they're up I'll be sure to blog at least one over to here. Keep your eye out for that. Also, I learned of at least one friend in DC who has a blog coming along so hopefully I'll soon have even more info in the Friend Links section at the right of my blog ramblings. I'm pretty excited about that because I've been working to make my links section a little more interesting, full, and... um... nice. I hope you like it. New additions today include Matt & Kristi's wedding website, Liz Hamby's blog, Media Matters, Fact Check.org, RH Reality Check (Tyler's Employer) and um... I think that's it.

I think getting my blog connected to various stuff will help me stay interested in loggin on here and writing more. For now, I'm gonna get some lunch.

Mmm... Lunch.

Current Soundtrack: WFUV (Fordham University Radio) It's pretty great, generally speaking. Today I'm almost fed up with fund drive, but if I get completely fed up, I'll just switch back to Pandora where I was listening to Otis Redding Radio earlier.

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