Thursday, October 12, 2006

Overeager Smiling!

Funny Bar Group 2 BW
Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

Somehow I always end up with a goofy smile or expression in photos. I'm sure that I'm not alone in this universe in feeling that this is the case. In fact, I'm quite sure that most people feel that they've got funny looks on their faces in most photos. Perhaps it explains why people seem to react to a camera the same way they might react to having a water pistol pointed at their face. They duck or scrunch or put their hands up to cover their faces.

The thing that cracks me up about the pictures I'm in is that most often I'm smiling in a rediculous huge way while everyone else in the frame has nice, normal, composed-looking smiles. It makes me laugh because invariably the first thought that comes to mind is, "whoa... what was I so happy about???"

The real treasures to me are the photos where this is not the case. They are the strange and rare photo where I actually look like a normal non-crazed human being. They also, however, include the even rarer photo like the one above where I'm in a group of equally smiley crazy people.

Thanks Loren and Lyndsey for helping me out in that department. You both are amazing, wonderful, beautiful and at least for the instant captured here completely overeagerly smiley ladies, and I love you both for it. (and for lots of other stuff too)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Photos of oneself are, as you say, invariably strange. But you make me smile, John Kaboom. And your happy Bee Lady girlfriend too.