Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Before the holiday weekend

I just wanted to post a little something. It's been a bit of a hectic week for me between normal work stuff, cleaning up from last week's website launch, and gearing up to be out of the office for a long weekend. Now, Wednesday has arrived and I can't wait for tomorrow.

Interesting week out in the world. I think that the whole Iran, Iraq & Syria summit news is one of the most significant pieces of news to come out in awhile. I don't imagine it is necessarily a completely positive thing, especially when you consider the other ways Syria has arrived in the headlines this week. Still, it seems like there are some reasons to feel hopeful there.

Meanwhile, George Bush was in Asia wandering around in a silk dress and somehow it didn't make many waves over here in the US. It sounds like the whole journey has been a lukewarm endeavor with few headline results and meanwhile the political scene over here could be described in the same way. Glad to see that the whole push-Bolton-through plan isn't playing out as it was supposed to, at least not yet.

All in all... lots to ponder as we all head off to a long weekend of tryptophan, football and fun.

Enjoy, I might be posting pictures, and I'll definitely be back in action next week!

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