Friday, December 15, 2006

Thoughts at the end of the week

Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

For those of you who haven't met her, this is Lyndsey's Parents' cat, Indy. She's a sassy lady and a bit of a huntress. She's starting to get a little old to be able to hunt and continue dropping off kills on the doorstep, but she still loves to spend time outside. The other day I came home for lunch and snapped this photo in my ongoing macro madness mode.

Meanwhile back at the office this week has been hell on wheels. The work doesn't ever seem to be achievable within 8 hours or 10 or... who knows how long, so I'm looking forward to my tiny slice of holiday time off and the larger slice of time when my boss will be out of the office.

Hopefully the quiet will bring productivity and relaxation. Wish me luck.

Lyndsey and I are going into NYC tomorrow to a Christmas party and to hopefully also see some of my friends who live in the 5 boroughs. If you're part of that constituency, feel free to give me a ring. I have no idea what time we're heading in tomorrow but I'm lobbying for early, and I have no idea what time we're leaving Sunday but I'm lobbying for no earlier than mid-afternoon.

We'll see how good of a lobbyist I am. Yes, I had to spellcheck lobbyist... what an odd word.

In other news, Lyndsey's brother and his family are playing the holy family in their church's christmas play. It's awesome because baby Jesus is actually named Caroline and she's well... an awesome pick for the son of God. She has very long fingers and toes.

I'm hopefully close to done my Christmas shopping. My goal: to do abotu 75% of it online... but somehow I miss finding random stuff in shops. If you're looking for a great place to donate over the holidays, my brother recently told me about something awesome, kinda dorky, but awesome nonetheless. One cool piece of it is that you're giving directly to a kid... kinda like when you adopt one of the angels that the Salvation Army provides gifts to around the holidays. That all being said, if you're curious, check it out. It's called Child's Play. I posted this through Flickr so I can't hyperlink it, but the site is

Happy Friday everyone, and I hope that you have an awesome weekend. Indy hopes so too.

1 comment:

narthan said...

stop. think. you are blogging about cats.