Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Another Interesting Toss

toss 1
Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

Okay, so I admitted from the start that camera tossing is a bad idea, but I thought I would throw up another of my favorites from my day of camera tossing last week. I like the streak along the bottom of this picture that was created by the blue light projecting out of my computer monitor. I think the stripey streak it creates is pretty great, and it difinitely didn't appear in my other tossing experiments.

Enjoy! This might be the first of a series of photo posts this evening. I'm feeling picture happy, and I just got my computer working again after three days of being kaput (I have concluded that my video card was just being annoying... but I may also just need to start thinking more seriously about the fact that my personal computer is old enough to go to kindergarden!).

1 comment:

narthan said...

Briefly tossing somewhat expensive electronics into the air and then quickly catching them before they fall onto a soft mattress is John's idea of cutting loose.