Sunday, February 18, 2007

Bad Ideas

favorite from first tossing session
Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

So... I've joined this photo emailing list that's pretty fun. They send out something about once a week, and the content of the email varies greatly. Sometimes they've come across a nifty new photo doohickey that everybody should know about because it's so cool. A lot fo the time they email about DIY projects like how to adhere photos to wooden blocks to make fun personalized toys for kids... or how to apply the techniques used in the movie "A Scanner Darkly" to your own photos.

Recently they covered something called, "Camera Tossing" where you take your camera, set it up to take a long exposure, then toss it in the air to see what comes out. I delved a little into this, and found that basically everybody who writes about it starts their post by saying, "hey, listen, I think this is fun, but I take no responsibility for any injuries or damage you do to your camera if you should choose to imitate what I'm doing here." That's always a good sign, right?

Anyway, as it is a quiet Sunday, I thought I would give my camera a few trial tosses in the safe confines of my bedroom... over the bed... where even if it falls from my grip, it will likely be a-okay.

Above is by far my favorite image to come out of this experiment. Consider this the manifestation of my recent promise to start posting more photos... this is only the beginning... but I'm not sure how much of it will involve camera tossing. The whole thing is kinda fun, but also somewhat nervous-making.

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