Thursday, March 15, 2007

Signs of hope

News can get me excited sometimes. Especially when it's news about people who often seem crazy to me acting more sane/rational. As someone who grew up religious and still identifies as such, I'm continually disappointed by the strange and seemingly sick things that people do with organized religion. It's not a new phenomena, and it's not particularly American or Christian. Heck, all of what I'm saying is ridiculously basic.

Anyway, here's some reason for hope: Evangelical leaders are fighting over the fact that many many of them want to focus on some issues that fall more on God's agenda than the Republican Party's agenda. Such as preventing torture and the destruction of God's green earth. I guess I don't necessarily always look to the evangelical community for hope, and to be fair, I've never been part of their community so I am sure there's lots I don't understand. I know that many evangelicals are very service-oriented, which I find extremely admirable. Anyway, this story struck me as one about sensible people speaking up.

Amazing, right?

I thought it was pretty cool.

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