Friday, April 13, 2007

No love for the RIAA

So... I recently read this: DNC hires RIAA shill

and then I followed up by reading this: DNC hires RIAA shill to run Public Affairs for Convention

and then I hopped onto the DNC website and sent them this:

Dear Sirs,

I'm writing to express my concern that the DNC has chosen to appoint Jenni Engebretsen to act as Deputy CEO for Public Affairs. It is also my understanding that Ms. Engebretsen is currently acting as Director of Communications for the Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA). I have noted Ms. Engebretsen's previous credentials as having worked on Democratic campaigns, however as a lifelong Democrat, a young and concerned political observer, a contributor to Democratic candidates and a music lover I am greatly concerned at the conflict between the recent aims and actions of the RIAA (during Ms. Engebretsen's tenure) and the values of progressives and Democrats alike. On a similar note, it concerns me that our party would place someone in such a lofty position coming out of work to sell the actions of such a disreputable organization as the RIAA, especially considering what a poor job this group has done in convincing Americans to feel good about their actions in recent years.

When I heard news of this appointment, I was greatly disappointed, and would certainly appreciate a response if you feel there is any justified. However, my point more than requesting any sort of answer from you all, is to simply express my great disillusionment, yet again, with a party I believed to be progressive acting in ways that seem far from it.

Best of luck with this oddball appointment, I hope it is not a sign of the alliances and values that the party will be selling to America in 2008 and beyond.


I dunno...

Maybe a bit too much... but here's the thing: I know that the RIAA has been going nuts for the last few years, chasing its tail, doing ridiculous things, generally just being real dumb, but there's a bigger problem than that. The posts I link to above do a good job of presenting the fact that they've pushed eroding our liberties, and their efforts contributed to helping cover-up possible election fraud in 2004. I just don't think it's something I want to see a party I would call my party associate with.

Maybe that's why I'm never quite sure I should actually call myself a Democrat.

Either way, that's about the most developed political rant I've ever posted, so there you go.

Hope you liked it.

OH!, and here's a little more (appropriate) Vonnegut for ya:

"Thanks to TV and for the convenience of TV, you can only be one of two kinds of human beings, either a liberal or a conservative."

1 comment:

Matt said...

This is only tangentially related to the RIAA in that it involves DRM issues, but have you followed the story of the unlocking of HD-DVD's and the subequent burrial of Digg as people tried to post the story? Interesitng stuff. I don't know where I fall on the issue of whether
a.) What Digg did in deleting posts was correct
b.) What the users did in attacking Digg was correct
... but it sure has been interesting to ponder it here and there in the last couple of days.