Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Live Blog Obamney Town-Hall Talk-o-Thon V2.0

Hi Folks,

If anyone's interested in commenting on tonight's debate, you're welcome to join us here... not sure who "us" will be, but we'll see!

- The Best Way.

P.s. as the debate rages, we'll post some highlights back to the post body, but the best way to follow the stream is to click on the post page and refresh (F5) periodically - Cheers!


Matt said...

Here I am about fifteen minutes late but it seemed like we weren't far behind. Obama is just answering the first question

Matt said...

Anyone? Bueller?

Matt said...

He "took them bankrupt"?

John said...

Just got here myself

Yeah the "took them bankrupt" bothered me.

Matt said...

I think Romney was coached to be defensive to what he expects to be a much much more aggressive Obama.

Matt said...

Obama didn't thank the moderator, audience, or the university for hosting the debate. How will the Republicans use this slight against him?

Matt said...

Migratory birds noooooooooooooooooooo!

Julia said...

way to keep flip flopping romney!

John said...

The deduction reductions just sound scary all around. Reconfiguring stuff may be necessary, but I feel like taking the axe to deductions seems scary

Scott said...

Romney talking about energy makes me want to throw my TV through the wall.

John said...

Romney got a little too interupty before this most recent deduction question. Candy! CANDY! Can-can-Candy!

Scott said...

Listening to Romney talk about energy makes me want to throw my TV through the wall.

Julia said...

I'm worried he just set himself up for a rebuttal about tax cuts, since he did have a democratic congress and didn't pass the tax cuts

John said...

Did you read today that apparently according to the pre-debate agreement both sides signed onto the visual that they have on CNN is against the rules - with Romney talking, they should be trained entirely on him.

Matt said...

Yes I read that. I do notice that they don't have the full split-screen they had during the last two debates.

Pretty much all the debate rules have been broken already. Candidates asking each other questions, interrupting each other, walking over to each other, follow-up questions from Candy, etc.

John said...


That line, "You wouldn't take that kinda sketchy deal, Governor, and America, neither should you" is good.

John said...

Or as someone just said on Facebook, "I'm Mitt Romney, and I'm a Mathemagician."

Matt said...

Based on your comments and the things I'm seeing on Facebook, I must be several minutes behind.

John said...

Rut roh! Does Alabama have a different special time-delay?

Julia said...

yay Lily Ledbetter!

Scott said...

Are my comments showing up?

Matt said...

It's called baby time.

Matt said...

Whoa! I see Scott and Julia's comments!

John said...

Just discovered I was unintentionally sitting on comments! SORRY GUYS!

Julia said...

Obama is hitting all women's issues out of the park! Perhaps my previous comments on Ryan making an excellent pope also apply to Romney

John said...

Damn the Arabs, Romney don't need you or your oily oil!!!!

Matt said...

Wow. Interruptathon.

Julia said...

I would love to know how Obamacare keeps small businesses from hiring people!

John said...

Mr. Romney, I think the folks you're asking about Obamacare are mostly at Republican rallies, so it doesn't surprise me that they say that policy is going to make them not hire... they hate Obama, so anything he champions is probably something they're gonna say will kill jobs.

John said...

Crap, that probably wasn't fair of me... well... oh well.

Scott said...

TV! Wall!

Julia said...

wow didn't see that bush comparison coming@

Scott said...

Uh, I mean: imagine if this Obama showed up for the last debate. I I so hope people are tuning in.

John said...

Yeah, Scott, his performance tonight does actually make me more disappointed in the 10/3 debate, for sure.

Matt said...

I love town hall debates for all the facial expressions you get to see in the background.

Matt said...

There is an old lady who REFUSES to look at Romney!

John said...

This response is making me depressed. Romney, playing Debby Downer is not a recipe for success.

John said...

There's a man with a mustacio behind Romney's right shoulder who seems to be gazing off into the distance, perhaps daydreaming about adventures he will take with his gallant facial hair.

Matt said...

There is some stellar facial hair in the crowd, no doubt.

Matt said...

Tune into TBWTHAGIDITHL for all your facial hair related political commentary.

John said...

Do Presidents file bills? Can someone contact Schoolhouse Rocks for me and check on this important legislative issue???

John said...

Oh wait, no... I am pretty sure that really isn't at all how our government works.

John said...

I like seeing what the timers look like! OOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lime green screen with serif font black large-numbered countdowns!

John said...

Self-deportation, the masturbation of immigration reform... only masturbation is fun and um... crap, what the heck was I talking about?

Julia said...

so self-deportation means that illegal immigrants should leave if they want to. Obviously if they wanted to leave they would!

Scott said...

John are you taking shots?

John said...

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh too much stuttering!

John said...

Julia, yes, you have it in a nutshell. Scott, no comment.

John said...

A friend just suggested there should be repercussions for blatant lies told in these debates - I propose a fact-checking taser. Plus, I think more people would tune in for the entertainment value.

Matt said...

Shots shots shots shots shots shots

If you are participating in the drinking game, please note "middle income" = "middle class"

so drink up!

Julia said...

ooh Candy is playing fact-checker as well as moderator, I like!

Julia said...

love the fact check taser!

Julia said...

can somebody explain the cnn ticker, what's the plus and minus?

John said...

OOoooooh yeah, I can - CNN ticker +/- is they've got some room full of "undecided" men and women with little boxes and they hit + when they're feeling positive about what's being said, - when feeling negative. The green line is the men, yellow women... and um... that's the best orientation I can give.

John said...

Trade in your AK-47 for a free wife and baby!!!!!!! Wait, did I misunderstand what he was just saying?

Scott said...

Mitt: "Just say no"

Matt said...

I wish Venice was here so we could hear about whether he is feeling that Romney has more support in his neck of the woods these days after that first debate. He was pretty down on Romney up until that night.

John said...

Great comment from my friend Doug on Facebook: "Anyone else find it weird that dudes named 'Mitt' and 'Barack' are having issues pronouncing names like 'Lorraine' and 'Kerry?'"

Scott said...

Oh god, I here's mitt the centrist again.

John said...

Yeah, I'm curious about the folks in New Hamster too.

Scott said...

That Kerry audience guy was a secret Republican plant. He plugged his company for gosh sakes. :)

John said...

"Trickle-down government has never worked here, has never worked anywhere," because that, Governor, is a weird muddled idea that you made up and isn't really a thing.

Julia said...

currency manipulator!

John said...

Yeah, I agree on Kerry, Scott... I have a feeling that the only undecided thing about Kerry was whether to start his daily news intake with Drudge, Fox or Rush.

John said...

If I had been on this live blog when the debate started, I would have immediately labeled all of you CURRENCY MANIPULATORS! HA! Now stop manipulating your currencies, mmmm'kay?

Julia said...

so at the beginning of the debate, romney said he would create 12 million jobs and just said that government doesn't create jobs wtf?

John said...

From Alexandra on Facebook: "The audience of this debate looks like The Walking Dead sat down to watch filming of an infomercial for juicers. You're telling me all normal looking people were busy tonight???"

Just... so... damn... funny. Guy who asked last question, totally fits into that oddball dynamic.

Scott said...

Romney was a zombie while Governor.

John said...

Created less than an hour ago and already has 36,000 likes on Facebook: Binders full of women as in, "Women. Bring me binders full of them." -- Mitt Romney, paraphrase

John said...

Romney was a zombie, Scott, you're a poet and you didn't even know it!

Scott said...

("I've been in industry all my life." ok... Maybe a stretch.)

Matt said...

Play a game with me. Who in the front row is actually a Secret Service Agent?

John said...

YES! I saw the last question guy winding his disposable camera in the background behind Tag or Hug of Flick or one of the Romney sons.

Scott said...

Consider my enthusiasm gap closed. Now, being in a deep red state, what can I do next?

John said...

The lines at the bottom were "undecideds" in Ohio, Julia!

John said...

Thanks everyone for your wonderful participation... sorry for the early glitches! I'll throw up one of these for debate #3 and I'll make sure to keep off comment moderation for that.

Julia said...

thanks, I wasn't sure about what teh + and - meants, obvoiusly I overthought.

John said...

Oh, I just got excited at the end, because Wolfie Blitzerpants actually mentioned where the mysterious room of undecided voters was located... thought it was one more fun fact to share. :)

Matt said...

Just finally finished. Both guys were pretty strong. It was fun folks!