Friday, December 29, 2006

Award for Best wedding picture goes to...

Joseph is the Man for taking this picture
Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

Joseph gets the prize for my favorite wedding picture of all. Over Christmas I got to see a bunch of pics I hadn't seen yet and that was fun. Between peoples' digitals, the disposable cameras at the reception, and the photographer Matt & Kristi's wedding was very well documented. There is a whole bunch of stuff that's great fun. Still, I think this photo is just amazing. I took some liberties with the original that Joseph sent to Matt, opting for a landscape rather than portrait layout, and turning it into a B/W pic whereas it was color in the original.

I hope you enjoy it, and Happy New Year to everybody.


+ John

Thursday, December 28, 2006


Okay, so here's the quick version of follow-up on yesterday's last post:

TerraPass, it's something worth checking out. My brother spotted the TerraPass on the back window of my car while I was leaving after Christmas to head back north. It looks something like this:

A quick conversation followed between Matt, my mom and me about some specifics. One of the best questions was, "so... what do you get for the $$" which is a pretty good question.

The answer is that there are no tax benefits right now. There are no real perks except peace of mind, really and um... a cool doodad to stick on your car. But the general idea is that you can buy a patch and some credits that are supposed to counterbalance the amount of CO2 that your car emits in a year. TerraPass purchases the credits in a couple forms, details provided here. As I posted yesterday, there's a pretty comprehensive study of carbon offset providers available here. By comprehensive, I mean to say I still haven't read it because it's pretty long.

The long-and-short of this little post is that I'm happy with TerraPass, and somewhat happy with myself for getting one. I'm not posting to brag, but because I hope others might find the carbon offset idea appealing. After a couple years of not owning a car, I was thinking a lot as I went out to buy the one that I picked up this fall, and offsetting the emissions made me feel a little happier about the fact that I have chosen to live, for now, in a place where public transportation for work is just not possible.

All that said, if you have more details or want to weigh in, feel free. Until then, happy third day after Christmas. Ho ho ho.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

First Non-Flickr Post in Awhile

Hey, So I have been thinking for awhile that I'd like to start highlighting some stuff I think is cool on this here blog-o-mine, and without realizing it I started that just a few moments ago (I know... I know... that post ended with, "good night." So that was a lie. But only a small one.

I'm really posting myself a reminder. Tomorrow I'll post something brief about carbon offsets, because I think they're cool, but I also think my knowledge of them is minimal. I'm working on learning a bit more and I already bought one only days after I purchased the second Honda Civic of my life. That being said, my knowledge is still limited. On I ran across a report somebody did on overall quality and comprison of various offset providers. I have yet to read it, but if you have time and feel curious, check it out here. Now, really, good night.

'Tis the Season for a Gorillapod

'Tis the Season for a Gorillapod
Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

So... I was home for a very quick visit and took a bunch of pictures... most involve cats in some sort of activity because my brother and his wife, Kristi came up from Savannah with their two cats so the house was quite full of furry things.

I managed to occasionally deploy my Gorillapod, here you see where I latched it onto a floor lamp to take a photo of the Christmas tree so I didn't have to stand on my head.

More photos soon, but for now Merry Christmas, Jolly Festivus, Happy New Year, Zippy Kwanzaa, and a very extremely Contented Chanukkah (which I've almost certainly misspelled, while I'm fairly sure I managed to get Kwanzaa. Not sure what that says about me, but regardless... goodnight!)

Friday, December 22, 2006

Two photos I really like

wreath lineup
Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

This is the second. I posted both now because this one is so festive. I like the similarity between the two. It makes me smile.

I hope it does the same for you!

Two photos I really like

ladies hats
Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

Each has similar composition. This is photo number 1... photo 2 to be posted momentarily.

Merry Christmassssss!!

pinecone wreath
Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

Happy happy happy Christmas to everybody! I'm leaving work in the next 20 minutes, getting a haircut, running home to pack up some stuff quickly into my car, and then Lyndsey and I are coming on down South to Philly, Yo!


I'm so happy that the long holiday weekend is finally here, and while I wish I could take all of next week off, I'm excited to be able to spend some time with the fam. Best wishes to everybody for a warm, healthy, happy, fun weekend, and there will be much more fun, happiness, good photos, and rediculous bits of news and stories to come on the blog in the near future, so deck the halls with boughs of holly fa la la la la la friggin la la la!!!!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Happy Thoughts

Lyndsey & Sugar Bear
Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

So... it's Monday, and I came into work early, and I'm feeling under the weather... but none of that will prevent me from having happy thoughts! None of it!

This picture makes me smile because Sugar Bear... the puppy in the photo was such a puffy little cloud of a dog. We met him while in St. Augustine and he was out for a walk on his first adventure ever out on a leash.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Thoughts at the end of the week

Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

For those of you who haven't met her, this is Lyndsey's Parents' cat, Indy. She's a sassy lady and a bit of a huntress. She's starting to get a little old to be able to hunt and continue dropping off kills on the doorstep, but she still loves to spend time outside. The other day I came home for lunch and snapped this photo in my ongoing macro madness mode.

Meanwhile back at the office this week has been hell on wheels. The work doesn't ever seem to be achievable within 8 hours or 10 or... who knows how long, so I'm looking forward to my tiny slice of holiday time off and the larger slice of time when my boss will be out of the office.

Hopefully the quiet will bring productivity and relaxation. Wish me luck.

Lyndsey and I are going into NYC tomorrow to a Christmas party and to hopefully also see some of my friends who live in the 5 boroughs. If you're part of that constituency, feel free to give me a ring. I have no idea what time we're heading in tomorrow but I'm lobbying for early, and I have no idea what time we're leaving Sunday but I'm lobbying for no earlier than mid-afternoon.

We'll see how good of a lobbyist I am. Yes, I had to spellcheck lobbyist... what an odd word.

In other news, Lyndsey's brother and his family are playing the holy family in their church's christmas play. It's awesome because baby Jesus is actually named Caroline and she's well... an awesome pick for the son of God. She has very long fingers and toes.

I'm hopefully close to done my Christmas shopping. My goal: to do abotu 75% of it online... but somehow I miss finding random stuff in shops. If you're looking for a great place to donate over the holidays, my brother recently told me about something awesome, kinda dorky, but awesome nonetheless. One cool piece of it is that you're giving directly to a kid... kinda like when you adopt one of the angels that the Salvation Army provides gifts to around the holidays. That all being said, if you're curious, check it out. It's called Child's Play. I posted this through Flickr so I can't hyperlink it, but the site is

Happy Friday everyone, and I hope that you have an awesome weekend. Indy hopes so too.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

I see you lookin at my blog

Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

sorry... this is a completely silly post, but I like this picture so I had to figure out some reason to put it up.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

So... it's been one of those weeks. Sorry I've been away from the blog a good bit. I'll write more soon, but for now I just thought I'd continue the macro madness wiht this photo self-taken this evening.

Happy Wednesday, my friends. Happy Wednesday.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Wedding Slideshow

Okay... I know... I know... I should have already send a disk full of photos to you, Matt... and you too Mom... I know! Sorry! But in the meantime while I'm still working on that you all can check out a bunch of photos I've recently uploaded to Flickr via this slideshow. I hope you enjoy. And the disks will be in the mail soon. I promise.

New and Improved!

Sniffing the Reader Gift
Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

Check out the new festive colors of the blog! Ooooo... I used a nifty new template and doctored it up with some spiffy festive colors. I... um... don't have anything more to say about that for now.

The picture above is Lyndsey inspecting her happy reader gift at the rehearsal dinner for Matt & Kristi's wedding. I thought it was a fun image to connect to the nifty new look of my site... so take a look around and inspect... just as Lyndsey sniffed her products in this picture. Let me know what you think.

Outrage! UGH!!

Sorry, but this news piece bothers me. Bother isn't maybe strong enough... troubles... disturbs... concerns me... basically, I'm annoyed. After 6 years of bunking up what the EPA does, now the Bushies are taking the politics and putting them into parts of the EPA's processes where previously there had been only scientific discussion. They call it "streamlining" is this more Orwellian fun with PR speak? Maybe I'm just jaded at this point, but read the story yourself and let me know what you think.

In more hopeful news, check out this fun piece on WorldChanging, my new favorite website. Oh, and I'll be pulling over a happy new flickr picture for the day soon too.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Fly like a turkey vulture

turkey vulture soar
Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

... to the sea?

I've been home sick from work the last few days. I actually went in yesterday but ended up coming back home early and I'm hoping that today will be my last day under the weather.

While home I'm trying to focus a little more on future planning. I've been trying to conceive of whether or not it's possible to apply for graduate schools for start in fall '07 especially considering that I'm now more focused on architecture than education. One thought is to re-shift gears and apply to ed programs. If you've got ideas about architecture, school, etc. feel free to send them my way. I would appreciate any and all input.

Until input, I'll share that this photo is one I took on Saturday as we were out Christmas tree shopping. There was a veritable flock of turkey vultures circling around the tree farm where we went and this is one of a few pictures I managed to catch.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

'Tis the Season pt. 2

Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

Just a little festive picture before I shut down my computer and go to bed! Good night everyone, and happy holidays!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

'Tis the Season

Originally uploaded by Chambo25.

Today Lyndsey, Chuck and I went wreath & tree shopping. I took along my camera for some documentary and macro fun. This wreath picture is my favorite that came out of the morning, but there are many others if you click the picture and a bunch that really like.

It's still rediculously unseasonably warm up here and sunny in a way that makes for some awesome photo opportunities. This picture has two traits that I really particularly like:

1. The reflections in the golden balls... I think they add a completely new dimension to the picture when you realize that they're there. You can see the bright blue sky behind me in the top one.

2. The ribbon and the way its highlights and shadows make it really jump up off the wreath. It catches in the light in an amazing way that I love.

Enjoy and happy holidays blog friends!